Fundraising Incentives – Auctions for Charity

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If you’re new to the non-profit world or are simply having a hard time reaching your funding targets, you may be wondering how you can get community members to start contributing your cause.

An effective means by which to generate enthusiasm for your cause is by offering incentives to your donors. Give them a reason to donate, besides, of course, the fact that your cause is amazing. Let them know they are not just giving money, but rather becoming part of something exciting.

We’re here with our series on Fundraising Incentives to explore the glory of auctions for charity.

Charity Auctions Add Donor Incentive

Fundraising auctions are a classic and super effective way to rev up support for your cause in your community and raise some serious bucks.

A fundraising auction takes a bit of planning and elbow grease. You’ll need to pool together auction worthy items from community members, choose a time and place, advertise, and then host the event. Phew! It seems like a lot to do, right?

It is, but it’s worth it! The key is planning and delegation. Appoint a project manager, get a team of hearty volunteers, and start brainstorming!

Hosting a Successful Fundraising Auction

Even in communities that struggle economically, many non-profits have still had a tear-jerking amount of support for their cause.

For example, one high school in Washington State hosts a two-day live scholarship auction every single year. What’s the goal?

The community pools together to make sure every single high-school student that applies can divide the money and receive a scholarship. It is one of the community’s favorite events, and the response is absolutely astounding.

Community members, students, and local businesses donate whatever items they can to put in the auction. It ranges from chocolate chip cookies to a truckload of firewood, to a gift certificate at the town’s best pizza place, to even just a hug.

A mere apple pie can sell for $100. The community is not wealthy, but since the cause is worthy, almost everyone is willing to make a meaningful contribution.

The tradition has been going strong for over 4 decades and has brought in over one million dollars.

This real-world success story illustrates the potential that non-profit fundraising auctions hold.

Like this scholarship fund, many non-profits have had such success with fundraising auctions, that they host one every year. It’s a beautiful tradition that community members will come to look forward to.

Receive Donations at Your Charity Auction

Ready to start planning your fundraiser? Your donors will love being able to support your cause and get something great in return, whether it’s a pan of brownies, a two-night getaway at a local resort, or whatever prizes you may offer at your charity auction!

In the planning process, don’t forget to set up a great solution for collecting the donations you receive at your event. Causability offers a perfect solution for non-profits looking to collect donations in a uniform, professional, easy way.

Take a few minutes to create a page for your cause where your donors can contribute online. You’ll supporters will love it!

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